A mindful approach to old age and ageing

‘I would like old age to be valued. It seems perverse for those who are not yet old to condemn their own futures.’ Maggie Kirkman

I couldn’t agree more with these words.

Society tells us that ageing is synonymous with decline, that being old is undesirable, and that youth is the only standard of beauty. This messaging is all around us and bombards us from every direction. But how true is it all? And how often do we pause to challenge the narrative? Whilst it may, in part, come from a natural instinct towards survival, the narrative is still distorted and riddled with harmful untruths. ‘Old’ doesn’t equal ‘bad’, nor is ‘young’ equivalent to ‘good’. And in failing to realise this, we devalue a whole group of individuals as well as inadvertently condemn the futures of the young.

To be old is to be blessed, fortunate and beautiful.

So this is a plea to be mindful. To push back against harmful narratives and embrace a more mindful approach to old age and ageing. Instead of succumbing to societal pressures, consider the following:

  • Be proud of your age

There should be no shame in the fact you’re still alive. Nor should there be any shame in where you are in your journey, in relation to its length. Own the journey you’re on and the experiences that have shaped you.

  • Young and old people aren’t worlds apart

We’re all more similar and connected than we think and we can relate to and learn from each other in lots of ways. Spending time with people in different age groups can help us gain more out of life.

According to the World Health Organisation, when we stop defining people by their age and value the contributions of every generation, we ensure “more prosperous, equitable and healthier societies.”  By doing so, we not only uplift the elderly but also pave the way for a more compassionate and inclusive future for everyone. 

So, to our youth-obsessed society and those who may dismiss the value of older generations, remember that aging is a privilege. Cherish the wisdom of older people, for one day, if you’re lucky, you will get there too.

Leona x


4 Sisters sharing life wisdom

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